Epub⋙: Apocalipsis (Comentario MacArthur del N.T.) (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur

Apocalipsis (Comentario MacArthur del N.T.) (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur

Apocalipsis (Comentario MacArthur del N.T.) (Spanish Edition)

Apocalipsis (Comentario MacArthur del N.T.) (Spanish Edition) by John MacArthur PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

En las páginas de estos comentarios expositivos no se percibe solamente un gran conocimiento de la Biblia, sino un amor y un celo profundos por la Palabra de Dios y por el Dios de la Palabra.

One of the best commentaries of the New Testament available now in Spanish. Ideal for personal or group study and teaching, these commentaries help you better understand and apply scripture. Published in English by Moody publishers.

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