Epub⋙: STRUCTURED SOFTWARE TESTING: The Discipline of Discovering by Arunkumar Khannur

STRUCTURED SOFTWARE TESTING: The Discipline of Discovering by Arunkumar Khannur

STRUCTURED SOFTWARE TESTING: The Discipline of Discovering

STRUCTURED SOFTWARE TESTING: The Discipline of Discovering by Arunkumar Khannur PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Structured Software Testing- The Discipline of Discovering Software Errors" is a book that will be liked both by readers from academia and industry. This book is unique and is packed with software testing concepts, techniques, and methodologies, followed with a step-by-step approach to illustrate real-world applications of the same. Well chosen topics, apt presentation, illustrative approach, use of valuable schematic diagrams and tables, narration of best practices of industry are the highlights of this book and make it a must read book. Key Features of the Book: Well chosen and sequenced chapters which make it a unique resource for test practitioners, also, as a text at both graduate and post-graduate levels. Apt presentation of Testing Techniques covering Requirement Based: Basic & Advanced, Code Based: Dynamic & Static, Data Testing, User Interface, Usability, Internationalization & Localization Testing, and various aspects of bugs which are narrated with carefully chosen examples. Illustrative approach to demonstrate software testing concepts, methodologies, test case designing and steps to be followed, usefulness, and issues. Valuable schematic diagrams and tables to enhance ability to comprehend the topics explained Best practices of industry and checklists are nicely fitted across different sections of the book"

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