Epub⋙: Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! (Harlequin Comics) by SHARON KENDRICK, MARITO AI

Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! (Harlequin Comics) by SHARON KENDRICK, MARITO AI

Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! (Harlequin Comics)

Marriage Scandal, Showbiz Baby! (Harlequin Comics) by SHARON KENDRICK, MARITO AI PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Seduced by Matteo, a world-famous actor, the once-innocent Jennifer marries the superstar and starts her own acting career. But at the height of their popularity, their busy lives tear them apart and they go their separate ways. They thought it was over, until they bump into each other on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival. Although at first tempers flare, in a moment of passion in the elevator they make love once more. A few weeks later, Jennifer starts to notice changes happening within her body...

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