Epub⋙: Discrete Mathematics (5th Edition) by John A. Dossey, Albert D. Otto, Lawrence E. Spence, Charles Vanden Eynden

Discrete Mathematics (5th Edition) by John A. Dossey, Albert D. Otto, Lawrence E. Spence, Charles Vanden Eynden

Discrete Mathematics (5th Edition)

Discrete Mathematics (5th Edition) by John A. Dossey, Albert D. Otto, Lawrence E. Spence, Charles Vanden Eynden PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The strong algorithmic emphasis of Discrete Mathematics is independent of a specific programming language, allowing students to concentrate on foundational problem-solving and analytical skills. Instructors get the topical breadth and organizational flexibility to tailor the course to the level and interests of their students.

Algorithms are presented in English, eliminating the need for knowledge of a particular programming language. Computational and algorithmic exercise sets follow each chapter section and supplementary exercises and computer projects are included in the end-of-chapter material. This Fifth Edition features a new Chapter 3 covering matrix codes, error correcting codes, congruence, Euclidean algorithm and Diophantine equations, and the RSA algorithm.

MARKET: Intended for use in a one-semester introductory course in discrete mathematics.

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