Epub⋙: Handbook of Social Media Interactive Marketing: Managing Traditional, Online, and Social Media Touchpoints by Jeen-Su Lim, John H. Heinrichs

Handbook of Social Media Interactive Marketing: Managing Traditional, Online, and Social Media Touchpoints by Jeen-Su Lim, John H. Heinrichs

Handbook of Social Media Interactive Marketing: Managing Traditional, Online, and Social Media Touchpoints

Handbook of Social Media Interactive Marketing: Managing Traditional, Online, and Social Media Touchpoints by Jeen-Su Lim, John H. Heinrichs PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This book focuses on what is happening in the interactive market space and describes how information professionals, marketers, managers, and the organization can participate. It provides practical guidelines that can help information professionals, managers, and their organizations understand how to communicate with and delight their visitors, prospects, and customers while beginning the social media interactivity journey.

Tremendous advances in the application of information technology, social media tools and applications, and the uses of information are providing organizations with unprecedented ability to access new customers, locate opinion leaders, and understand consumer actions. Not only are organizations able to use information technology to their advantage, but so are their customers who increasingly have high-speed internet access and rich media application support. To contribute to the organizations, the information professionals and managers will need to utilize leading-edge awareness development techniques such as e-book development, social media monitoring, and the promotion of organizations to reach interested individuals.

As the evolving social media expansion requires the organization to develop an appealing and engaging online presence as a part of their total customer relationship management (CRM) efforts. This book develops and presents a five-stage model of interactive online and social media tasks for the organization to follow along with the five key principles of social media interactivity. The discussion of the five principles of social media interactive marketing focuses on the topics relevant to planning, managing, and implementing the online and social media interactive programs of the organization for success and competitive advantage.

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Handbook of Social Media Interactive Marketing: Managing Traditional, Online, and Social Media Touchpoints by Jeen-Su Lim, John H. Heinrichs EPub
