Epub⋙: Time Management for Architects and Designers by Thorbjoern Mann

Time Management for Architects and Designers by Thorbjoern Mann

Time Management for Architects and Designers

Time Management for Architects and Designers by Thorbjoern Mann PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

For those who are tired of all-nighters, missed deadlines, and playing catch-up, help is at hand.

Time Management for Architects and Designers addresses the special time-management issues that confront those whose success depends on the skillful, creative, and effective use of their time. It offers students and professionals guidance in recognizing and understanding their problems and developing effective strategies for overcoming them. Illustrated with lighthearted drawings, it includes exercises aimed at exploring each designer’s own unique situation and reinforcing good practice, a host of remedies for bad habits, and a personal time-management implementation plan that will help in getting every job done on time. 120 drawings

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