Introduction to Medieval Europe 300-1500 by Wim Blockmans, Peter Hoppenbrouwers
Introduction to Medieval Europe 300-1500 by Wim Blockmans, Peter Hoppenbrouwers PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Introduction to Medieval Europe 300-1500 provides a comprehensive survey of this complex and varied formative period of European history. Covering themes as diverse as barbarian migrations, the impact of Christianization, the formation of nations and states, the emergence of an expansionist commercial economy, the growth of cities, the Crusades, the effects of plague, and the intellectual and cultural life of the Middle Ages, the book explores the driving forces behind the formation of medieval society and the directions in which it developed and changed. In doing this, the authors cover a wide geographic expanse, including Western interactions with the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic World.
Now in full colour, this second edition contains a wealth of new features that help to bring this fascinating era to life, including:
- A detailed timeline of the period, putting key events into context
- Primary source case boxes
- Full colour illustrations throughout
- New improved maps
- A glossary of terms
- Annotated suggestions for further reading
The book is supported by a free companion website with resources including, for instructors, assignable discussion questions and all of the images and maps in the book available to download, and for students, a comparative interactive timeline of the period and links to useful websites. The website can be found at
Clear and stimulating, the second edition of Introduction to Medieval Europe is the ideal companion to studying Europe in the Middle Ages at undergraduate level.
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